The first day is always the hardest...

Hmmm, so in the world of family life, weekends are 'family time'. Its the unwritten, unspoken rule. This all works fine for me so long as all members of the family are around, then you have a full quota. But as my husband is off tomorrow on a corporate jaunt for a week, I am on my own with the kids all weekend. During the working week this is less of a challenge (and frankly should I view it as a challenge? My kids are older now, easier, actually great fun to be around...). But weekends with no Daddy, when Daddy is normally around, are tough. I have made plans, I have called in the support network. My lovely friend P, who flies in the face of unwritten, unspoken rules has invited me round twice to punctuate the weekend. When there is a black hole of time looming, she fills it. She has three boys - they will wear my kids out. Tick. My sister in law N, who I love, is coming for a pyjama party Saturday night, trashy DVD, yummy dinner. Tick. This is all good. So really I have no excuse to be feeling down in the mouth as I will be fine; we will be fine.

It just feels like an awfully long time til he comes back...but then I figure, come on, get a grip, don't be a weed, think of wives whose husbands are in the Forces who go off for months on end...

I can eat healthy food-for-one all week. No man-meal meat and two veg needed. I can watch chick's TV to my heart's content (SATC anyone?). I can sleep star-shaped. No shirts to wash.

But still, I'll be counting down the minutes til he gets back...and we get back to our full quota...