BF got the very last-minute idea to head to Savannah, GA on Friday afternoon and spend the night!
This is where working from home does have its advantages, because I was able to just kock off early and get into scramble pack mode. BF of course came home to me and a mess - because I'm a terrible packer and though we've talked about doing these little trips a lot, this is one of the few times they've actually happened, so I was a mess.
This was my first trip there so BF was gracious enough to do touristy things - we spent Friday night along Bay Street (which is kind of the main thoroughfare there) and bar-hopped along Riverfront Plaza, which is (dur) right by the Savannah River, and where all the tourist-y bars and restaurants are. Then we had dinner at this great restaurant called Garibaldi's by City Market.
On Saturday we headed over to Forsyth Park and strolled around the Historic District, taking in all the beautiful homes and many many squares. We also visited Colonial Park Cemetery and window-shopped along Broughton, which is the main shopping street in town.
I didn't realize how big Paula Deen is in Savannah, because we tried going to the Lady and Sons for lunch and it was like a mob scene outside the place. And they told us they couldn't seat us for lunch until 2:45 p.m. (it was like 11:15 a.m. at the time - come on!) Then we thought about trying Mrs. Wilkes' Dining Room, another famous Savannah dining institution, but she takes her weekends off.
It turned out fine though, because we had lunch at a cafe in City Market and then visited a candy shop where I had my first pecan praline. I am in love! Of course, I dragged BF back before we left to get a pound and a half of it to take home. (It was buy a pound get another half pound for free - how could I not?)
I'm a terrible photographer, so I'm going to have to apologize for these pictures. And no couple shots because suddenly BF wants no photos now that he is in pre-P90X mode. I also think it is difficult to capture how beautiful a place Savannah's Historic District is. Walking around, you almost expect fine southern ladies to come out of their mansions in big hoop skirts.
Wouldn't it feel magical coming home to a place like this everyday?
Note to anyone planning on visiting Savannah - it is a beautiful walking town with everything pretty close to each other but it is also highly cobble-stoned, especially around the river area. Please wear comfy flats because those stones and steps are NOT even. Have means you, BF, in your fancy loafers.
Savannah is so beautiful even their drain pipes have character.
Before we headed back home for good, we took a little detour and went to visit BF's family nearby. There's nothing like visiting familiy (to-be!) and sitting down to a good home cooked meal. And visiting pets!
Meet Buster. He lives with BF's parents. Buster is adorable as heck and super-lovable, but also borderline blind and a huge chicken - which for a dog, makes him even more adorable. Buster loves to cuddle and I love to cuddle him back.