I have had a soft spot for shopping at the online site Plumo for a few years...they usually have a well-selected collection of yummy things, clothes and otherwise. Everything I have ever bought from there has been individual, pretty, quirky...so in short, right up my street. Plus for the Anthropologie lovers (or I notice its referred to as Anthro for short!) its about as close as us UK citizens can get to an equivalent without the extortionate shipping charges.
I know there is an Anthroplogie in London but really, I am a country girl, I rarely get up to the 'big smoke' unless its for work, and for some reason my company doesn't give me time out from meetings to gad around town buying house fancies and pretty dresses. Such a shame. There is a great and very accurate post by India Knight, one of my favourite writers/social commentators (and all round shopper/coveter - see her blog) that describes her experience at the shop launch of the new Anthropologie in London. The PR person asked her if she was OK, such was the effect. It really resonated with me as the first time I went to an American store I had what I can only describe as a shopping epiphany! I was actually breathless, the acutest form of shopping lust. For all of my love of luxury brands and designer beauty, there is something so lovely and pretty and earthy about Anthroplogie. Their eye for detail and the fact that the whole experience is about home and clothes (my two bestest things). So all in all...love Anthro.
So back to Plumo...the catalogue arrived today (I am a slave to my doormat on Saturday mornings) packed full of Spring/Summer loveliness; floaty gorgeousness that might actually have a place in my school run/mummy lifestyle. Plus the photgraphy is to die for...and whilst the whole Moroccan look is not entirely my thing, I can get the whole summer, burnt terracotta vibe...roll on the summer sun.
And for the house bits...I adore these retro Swedish cups, my Danish Mormor had some just like this that I recall from when I would visit as a child...
On the cup theme, what's not to love about this tea-set?
So - Plumo is my latest squeeze...until I can get back to an Anthropologie store...