Things of beauty...

Friday is a happy day...this past week has been interesting! More challenges at work, a few tantrums thrown in from my 4 year old son, and a few tears from my 8 year old daughter (missing Daddy...). All in all I am ready for a nice relaxed weekend of co-parenting with my surely jet-lagged husband!

Daddy's home from Vegas week of single parenting is over...phew!

So I am quite pleased...

I have hyacinth bulbs in the garden that are trying to break through...nearly there...

I love Welsh dressers...this one is great because of the mismatched handles...

I like the tones of white in this picture...

Sweet...this just captures that wonderful innocent toddler children are out of that now...but its still makes me melt to see it...

I am really trying to read books at the moment - where does the time go?

I stayed up far too late last night watching Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road. It was gripping and tragic, even though I have read the book, the ending still shocked me. She has the strongest of faces; I couldn't take my eyes off her, and the period detail in the film is just incredible...