Having a blog is abit like editing your own magazine; my issue is that I haven't decided if I am a lifestyle magazine or a fashion magazine. This healthy conflict (doesn't fashion = lifestyle?) is echoed on my book shelves where you will see editions of 'Country Living' in equal measure to 'Vogue'.
Pisces = indecision = me.
So I follow alot of blogs; as much as I like saying my thing I also love seeing what everyone else has to say. A post on fashion editor's style at Coco's Tea Party made me remember a particular fashion fix that I got when I first got interested in blogs through The Sartorialist.
In a name: Giovanna Battaglia.
If you have the Sartorialist book you will see a mini homage to this Vogue fashion director. Now I am not all 'high fashion' by any means but I love this woman's style. I love her clothes. As in: seeing her clothes and to-die-for accessories literally makes me wanna shop...