Here are 10 things that make me happy in no particular order:
1. Trashy Reality TV
I admit it - if it's trashy and on TV, I'll probably like it and watch it (other people's drama is so much better than my own!)
I've watched (and full-on enjoyed) the Jersey Shore, Girls Next Door (with the original gals), Top Chef, Millionaire Matchmaker (almost all reality TV from Bravo), I Want to Work for Diddy, Rock of Love, old school Real World, Sweet Sixteen, True Life, Life in the Fab Lane and am super-excited about the new season of the Real Housewives of NY. Let the fashion and catfights begin!
Oh Hef and the girls ... and Kendra not eating fish because it is called "fish" ... and Bridget loves horror ... and Holly wants be Hef's baby mama ...
Who doesn't love food?! Food makes the world go round! I love to cook (I wish I had the time to do it more!), I love to eat (I make time to do that), and I love to read and watch stuff about food.
I (probably shouldn't) proudly admit I can usually out-eat the BF in almost any occassion. I love all types of food and especially love to try new foods - not Andrew Zimmern-style, think more Anthony Bourdain. My personal comfort foods are noodles (all kinds, but especially the ramen noodles, mm, mm), NY-style pizza, sushi, Cheerios, pho, Cheetos, and French bread. I am a carb-fiend.
One of the things I really enjoy about cooking is food prep and watching a recipe come together. There is something really soothing about washing and chopping vegetables into their needed shape and then cooking the sauce down to its concentrated flavor and deep color.
Mm, ramen ... and sometimes I have strange cravings for the 10-for-$1 packs they sell at your local supermarket. Chicken flavor is my thing.
3. Playing Dress-Up
I consider getting dressed for each day as "playing dress-up." Partly because I'm a fashion-schizo who is still trying to find her own style. Partly because I think deciding what to wear should be fun. Partly because I love getting inspired by what people wear around me (that includes you, you lovely fellow bloggees).
4. Travel
I don't like the process of getting there, but I like when I am there. Between traveling for fun and work, I've been lucky enough to have visited places in the world I could previously only dream of. Heck, I even like driving around and looking at houses, neighborhoods, getting the vibe of a place.
Me in Vegas!
5. Sleeping
I don't sleep enough. I often need a sleep-aid to help me fall asleep at night and I hate getting up in the mornings (so not a morning person). But I do get myself up. And I don't sleep in that late on the weekends either because I don't want to waste my "free" time. I'm the one who doesn't allow myself to get enough sleep most of the time. But those brief moments when I am perfectly warm and snuggled in my lovely comfy bed are the best.
6. Being Comfortable
One of the first things I do after coming home from a long day out is change into something comfortable. It is not usually cute - pajama bottoms and tanks with sweatshirts or a robe are sublime lounge-worthy clothing in my book. Nothing like being a completely comfortable and loose schlub in one's own home.
Comfy Lisa = slipper socks.
7. The Fam
There's not much to say. I love my Mom and Dad to death. I love my big sis and her lovely family. We are a small bunch but I know they love me dearly and I would do anything for them.
My beautiful big sis and my nephew.
8. The BF
We've been together for what seems like forever. Literally years. We aren't into the anniversary stuff so we don't keep track of how long we've been together or when we first got together - but I can't imagine life without him and though we've been through a lot, we're still together.
9. Shopping
The usual suspects: J. Crew (duh), Anthropologie (double duh), Forever 21, Boden, Gap, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, Nordstroms, Zappos, Endless, Ebay, Ebay, Ebay ...
10. Acting Like Myself (goofy is good.)
Look how happy I am ... those are mostly dollar bills.
And here are (only) some of the beautiful and fashionable gals I would like to tag because their blogs make me happy:
Clothed Much
Tres Tippy
A Bigger Closet
Delightfully Tacky
the gleam of the rose tea outfits
Sweet Tea in Seattle
And retag these lovely ladies for tagging me (because I would have picked your gals anyways):
Dea Diaries
growing up anthro
To peek at my full list of blog luv, just see my blogroll on the right column. All those gals are fabulous. :o)
I'll be back to my normal posting shortly - I've got a ton of laundry to do, BF has conveniently left the house a mess (or his version of clean), I can't shake my cough and cold, BF is sick himself, and I think I have a house guest this weekend ...