Work or play...

I work part time for a whopper multi-national company. This is a gift; I can have a 'career', I can do the Mummy thing, I am there to drop and collect my children from school, I have alot of flexibility in my work. I can work from home. Its all good. So I am really not complaining...

However...what it means in practice is that I am divided, split, metaphorically cut in two all the time. On work days I focus on work and get that guilty 'I haven't thought about the children for 2 whole hours' feeling as I get engrossed in what I do there. At home I forget about work and dwell on after-school snacks and homework and making my farmhouse look pretty. I then get that guilty 'I haven't thought about work all day' feeling. Admittedly I feel alot less guilty about not remembering work but still...

Maybe this is the nature of me; I am always going to be divided. As I am sure that if I stopped working I would then spend time wondering if I should have done so or not. I feel a constant tension between the two worlds of work and home. But its a tightrope that I am walking all the time. Its a challenge, but despite the divisions, I like it, I like my work and I love being a Mummy. So I should just relax...breathe...enjoy...stop questioning...

Aside: I do love Anne Taintor prints. Irreverent and wry - they always make me smile. Just a few favourites...