Better Than Pacey Witter

I got back to the SE on Wednesday from NYC with minimal hiccups save for a crazy-packed airport. Then BF and I were very very busy all day on Thursday. And we're going to be very very busy all day today as well.

Why, you ask? Well, yesterday we stopped by the county animal shelter yesterday and ...

Hi guys - my name is Pacey. I think I am six months old and am a border collie-terrier mix. I am a rambunctious big puppy who loves to be played with, cuddled and paid much attention to. I don't like baths but enjoy being clean enough to lay on the couch next to my people. I hope to train my new people very well to feed me lots of puppy chow and play ball with me all day long. I hope you all enjoy today - 2011 is hopefully going to be a great year for me!

Paws and licks, Pacey