So there is a big irony here. This week and next week represent for me the ultimate pre-Christmas hectic-ness. The last two weeks of school - many,
many events for the Boos from the Nativity to choir concerts to end-of-term discos. Oh, and final Christmas shopping (in an attempt to get it done, done, done). Oh and work (another big project looming). I have a calendar that rivals a head of state.
Yet in amongst this crazy-busy madness I attended a meeting yesterday at work where there was a motivational speaker. I felt I hardly had time to see this speaker; I went into work on my day off to do so, necessitating yet more organisational challenges! His contention was that in this busy world, we need to stop.
Stop. Think. Consider. He showed this video, which kinda spoke to me, along with everything he said. What would happen if I just stopped for a while? Just a few minutes? How would it impact my day?
Talking of for the Best Blog closes today, so trying stopping by there and clicking on my blog! Easy-peasy...