Four Eyes

Didn't know I wore glasses, huh? Yep. I very rarely wear them because they are super ummm...they are a strong prescription. I'd like to thank genetics for that gift...not.  But it could be should see my big brother's lenses. HA!

Thrifted Tux Jacket
American Apparel turtleneck/dress and leggings
Nine West Booties
L.A.M.B. satchel
Marc Jacobs Glasses

I promise I will wear something other than black's just a phase:)

Oh yes, it decided to be cold this morning in Houston, so I finally got a chance to rock this coatdress/dresscoat. I love it the most! I was called a female BLADE at work today. That makes me want to wear it more...but next time, I'm gonna rock some thigh high boots and a big "GFS" on my chest to look the part!

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