Top: Anthropologie Edme & Esyllte Rose is a Rose (worn here before - similar online here in solid or here)
Skirt: H&M pleather (now in stores - similar-ish online here)
The super-sweet Ashley from Ashley on the go! tagged me a while back to reveal seven things about myself. I vaguely remember doing something similar to this a while back and I don't want to accidentally repeat myself, so I thought I'd keep this "reveal" fluffy.
So here are the seven things you don't (and probably didn't want to) know about me:
1. I have a culinary crush on Anthony Bourdain. I sometimes wish I could travel the world with him as a member of his film crew so he can berate me on-air and throw around words like "mireproix, mis en place, she's a complete idiot, I can't work with her" all in the same sentence.
2. My favorite game (that hand-eye-uncoordinated-I am capable of playing) is Wii Sports Resort - specifically Swordplay ("chop, chop, chop - hee-yah!"). Second favorite game - and also the first electronic game I ever played - is Myst. That's right, PC gaming, baby!
3. When I eat Skittles, I sort them by color and eat them in order from least-to-most favorite: lemon, grape, lime, orange, cherry.
4. I am generally a klutz. Seriously. Not two minutes ago I dropped a fork full of pie on my keyboard. I write "two minutes ago" because it took me that long to get my stuff cleaned back up! And yes, I am eating pie for breakfast.
5. Most people I know don't know that I have a blog. The BF knows (and refuses to participate) as do one or two gal friends, but that's it. People who don't blog just don't understand!
6. I don't like to try on clothes in a store. I actually prefer ordering things online, so I can try things on in the privacy of my home, and so that I can get a "fresh" un-tried-on piece.
7. I am still sometimes scared of the dark. In that someone-is-going-to-jump-out-of-a-dark-corner-and-it-may-be-the-Boogie-man kind of way. This is when my penchant for watching thrillers and scary movies come back to bite me in the butt.
Thanks again, Ashley, for the tag!
I'm behind the ball and I think this tag has made it around the blogosphere a few times already so I won't retag anyone specifically - however, if you feel like playing along, please share seven things about yourself that we (blogee community) don't know!