Sorry for the lack of posts this week.
Look at my face...atleast I tried to take pics for my followers/lurkers. It's bad when I have to break out my glasses instead of my contacts!
This outfit basically brought to you by was the best I could do for an outfit post this week...don't judge me:)
The week started off with me getting home and working out*...leaving little time to take pics of my outfits. Truth be told though, my students were taking their state test this week which meant that my job was to stand guard over them like a pitbull to make sure they wouldn't cheat (speaking of cheating, I vividly remember my 5th grade teacher standing over my shoulder giving clues to the answer even though I didn't need them!). That means I didn't go out of my way to be cute at work...and by that I mean that yes I still wore heels...namely the Target wedges by Cythia Vincent (love...I'm wearing them in these pics but I'll do a better post about them once I've detoxed from Sudafed), but everything else was jeans and a cardigan.
The shoes were still cute enough to get stares from the old battle ax teachers who rocked school spirit shirts with their Lee jeans. I dared not to wear my Nike's with mom jeans for an easy week (You know hell well I don't own any mom jeans!)
Then a few days ago, I got attacked by a random cold virus for no reason at all. I tried to take pics of my outift yesterday morning but it was a joke. I couldn't breathe and wasn't in the mood. Bla bla bla...yadi yadi ya...the whole point is there was a reason for no posting this week. All in all, I would say that this week was crap but I'm above the ground instead of I'll take that.
*(You know how I like to laugh at people who can't dance in my Zumba class? Well, I must be fair and admit that Monday...I sucked. I made the mistake of walking the 25 minutes to the gym to be all extra motivated. I didn't account for the fact that it was hot outside and might affect my work out. I made it to the zumba class and conked out. I was two salsa steps from passing out. My buddy Ro (whom I met through blogging but found out we belong to the same gym) had to drive me home after the class because I refused to walk back!! I guess it serves me right for laughing at people who are rhythmically challenged...lesson learned:)
Oh, By the way...I have a new theme song. If you are driving and see a girl with an afro puff dancing violently in her car, assume two things...1)I'm feeling better and 2) This song is playing on the radio:)
( Disclaimer: I do not endorse strippers, drugs (well maybe Sudafed), bling, video vixens...hell really anything in the lyrics. I just like to shake it to this song and we like anthems here in the south. Even the best Christians have an anthem lol! Okay.........I DO endorse the video vixens but that's it:)
P.S..."Writing Without Periods"...please pay attention to the lyrics around the 3:14 mark in this song...written especially for you!
P.S..."Writing Without Periods"...please pay attention to the lyrics around the 3:14 mark in this song...written especially for you!
What do you take to get over a cold?
By the way, I know that I am not hot in this outfit or pics... I just hate a post without pics:)