My Agenda for This Blog

The purpose of this blog is to make the case for the Shoes-off policy. That is removing one's shoes at the door of one's home and also requiring family and visitors to remove their shoes. It is my view that this policy is very sensible. It is better for health reasons, for keeping one's home clean and creating a positive home atmosphere.

The Shoes-off rule is common to many countries. However, it is not favoured in Britain and much of the USA. It is my view that this needs to change and this blog is dedicated to promoting this cause.

Now I dare say that some people will consider this issue to be rather trivial. Well, they are entitled to that opinion. I have discussed many important issues in my worldview blog and have explored Biblical eschatology in my Bible prophecy blog. I have been involved in very interesting online debates in the blogsphere on Free Grace Theology, Calvinism and Ecclesiology. Yes, I could spend all my blogging time talking about really fundamentally important issues, but would it make a difference to the world? Am I more likely to persuade the British government to ban abortion or a few families to remove their shoes at the door? Am I going to make a difference to the world by dealing with the small issues or the big issues?

You might say that as a Christian I should be blogging about God's Word; pointing people to the Scriptures and their need for salvation. I sure do that when I go out doing street evangelism and I discuss theological issues in my other blogs. However, I believe that cleanliness is next to godliness, and I am going to take a stand on this issue.

There are plenty of blogs out there to tell everyone that the world was made in six days and that Socialism is contrary to Biblical principles, but somebody needs to make a case that shoes should not go past the hallway.

Many of the posts in this blog will have been posted first in my worldview blog.