Manolo the Book

Manolo says, many of the internet friends of the Manolo have been saying to the Manolo, "Manolo, why do you not write the book? It would be most super fantastic, indeed."

At the first, the Manolo he was resistant to the idea of the book. Who would pay the $18.99 in the American dollars to read the blatherings of the humble Manolo, especially if this it can be obtained for the free at the Manolo's blogs.

But then the literary agent of the Manolo he convinced the Manolo that the book it was the very good idea, that perhaps many people they would pay this money to hear the Manolo pontificate on the fashion and the celebrity, and that this world of ours, this crazy mixed up world of ours, it needs the Manolo now more than the ever.

And so, the Manolo, he has decided to write the book, one filled with the wit, wisdom, and fashion advice of the Manolo.

Now, of the course, the Manolo he needs two more things. First he needs the publisher. (By the way, if you are the publisher who would like to give the Manolo the giant advance, please contact the Manolo immediately so that he may put you in the touch with the literary agent of the Manolo, so that the wire transfer details they may be worked out.)

The second thing the Manolo he needs is for his many internet friend to tell him what they would like to see the Manolo write about in this theoretical book of his.

It is no secret that left to his own devices the Manolo he would love to write the book about how the Hollywood it has mistreated the genius that is the Hasselhoff, but the literary agent of the Manolo he has nixed this idea.

So, help the brother out, and leave the ideas for the Manolo in the comments section of this post. The Manolo he eagerly awaits your help.