Blah, Blah, Blah, Work, Work, Work

The shoe that fits one

person pinches another;

there is no recipe for living

that suits all cases.

~~Carl Gustav Jung~~

So far today it has been very quiet at work. Classic Court, that sole who speaks the queens english had to fly to England over the weekend suddenly. She was at work on Friday and her son called and said that her mother was not well and may not live much longer. She is very elderly. Classic Court is in her 50's herself.

I got some looks today. I empowered myself to step outside the box and not dress up for work today. One of my pod mates asked if I was going golfing. (Bloody hell to her!) I was business casual on a Monday instead of Friday. I had on a white tee, a blue and white floral skort and white leather tennis shoes. I guess I do look like I could be going golfing. It sure is comfortable. Tomorrow I will do better. I will be the 9west, gucci, or bandolino high heels shoes tomorrow. Today I was not just motivated to put on the black business pumps today. Nor the matching suit! Yuck!

I did have a chance to see The Day After Tomorrow at the movies this weekend. It was very dramatic and good. It sure made me think about global warming in a new light.