this little piggy

hand reared suburban piglet is done. it will be out in september on BSM and run for your life. the follow up is half written, and im aiming to have that written and recorded by the end of the year. i might call it 'the only people who know how cool i am are the secret police'. the plan is this. i write the songs and send 6 of them to sam blakfish. he learns them on piano/keys, and i go up to birmingham and re-work/re-record them with him. i then send these demos to james of palehorse and chris-slightly-banner, surely a rhythm section to reckon with. then we record them live. there will be four other songs. one is a quiet mandolin blurt, one is a banjo groan, one acoustic excuse, and the final one was written while touring with shield your eyes, its basically a bass line that i really liked but never used, and al from the racket stunners nitkowski is gonna work on that with me. i have 5 songs down, the other 5 are nearly done. this should come together quickly. im hoping that the 3 albums will be available on vinyl too. fuck knows how. im in berlin. its rad.