TV Time...

Ok, so I have finally caught up with all my shows on tivo that I missed while I was in China. I have a few things I'd like to talk about.

1- 90210. I changed my mind. I don't like this show. I don't know if it's because it's getting even cheesier or if it's because I now watch Gossip Girl which is SO much better in every sense of the word. Better clothes, better acting, better script. Also, I'm glad US Weekly talked about the fact that these girls are anorexic and need to eat a damn cheeseburger. 

2- Glam God. OK Viv, sweetie? Seriously, what is going on with the wigs?? I took a picture to further illustrate my point. This looks like a dead animal on her head. Yuck.

3- Gossip Girl. I'm all caught up and I am obsessed. Love it!

4- Rachel Zoe Project. I wont watch it. She is horrible and annoying and even watching the previews gives me idiot shivers. 

5- Project Runway. This season is on the boring side I'm afraid. Even with the under talented "Suede" referring to himself in the 3rd person and the tanorexic coke head Blane, there's not a lot to hold my attention. 

6- The Hills. Shoot me please. I know you all saw the salary list. That boring bitch LC is making $75 g's an episode? WTF?

That's it I think. Are there any shows you guys are watching that you think I need to see?