Thinking about Vegas...

Its my husband's 40th birthday this year and we are planning to go to Las Vegas for a weekend to celebrate with a group of our very best friends. Its a long old way to go for a weekend and the response we always get when we say we are planning it is: 'Vegas? Why on earth would you choose to go there? When you can go anywhere...why there?' People's perception of the place is often that its tacky, seedy, ugly...basically the last place on earth you'd go to!

I guess I'd beg to differ - to me its what it represents...a weekend away from the day to day here in a corner of England; something so utterly different and unusual. Its not about spiritual regeneration, its just about pure, unadulterated fun (and not of the seedy kind!). I don't gamble but I do shop and Vegas is a like the mother ship calling me home when it comes to shopping. The place is can I say...unlike anything else I have ever seen. Obviously its not as beautiful as many, many places but what it lacks in beauty it makes up for in sheer volume and novelty.

This is 'The Mix' restaurant in Las Vegas, where there is this chandelier with 15,000 hand-blown murano glass bubbles...its the coolest thing. It literally surrounds the room and almost imperceptibly sways.

And you'd want to wear something like this...Isabel Marant...

So I will be thinking about Vegas this it or hate it...its where we'll be come October!