A Rose with Frills and New Reader Feature!

Top: Anthropologie Edme & Esyllte Rose is a Rose (worn here and here before - similar online here)
Sweater: Anthropologie Guinever Roaming Frills (worn here and here before - kind of similar online here)
Skirt: Banana Republic tweed knife pleat (now on sale or similar here)
Shoes: Franco Sarto suede t-strap (similar online here, here on sale or here via Target)


This is totally inspired by popular features created by Kim, Cat and Aimee: I think we all like to share our outfit choices and take inspiration from each other so Reader Outfits is always something of great interest in fashion blogs (plus that means you don't have to see just me all the time, haha).

I've always wanted to do my own reader outfits feature but with a twist - we'll do something different every week. No challenges and nothing complicated, but a great way for us to hopefully have a few laughs and share some fashion.

So introducing the new Respect the Outfits feature and Week 1's subject: Send me your outtakes!

That's right - we always take a bunch of pics for our outfits and and select the best ones, but what about the tons of unseen outfit pics that never make it? Did the photo get snapped when you weren't prepared? Were you totally out of frame? Were you just over it? Were you trying a new pose that just didn't work?

Send me those photos! The funnier the better! Please give me your outfit creds too and I'll post them this Thursday - send your outtakes to respecttheshoes(at)live.com. Here are some of mine: