And Now Without Further Ado ...

... it's time to announce the winner of my blogiversary giveaway!

Thank you all again for entering, and for reading my blog! I know blogging isn't about freebies but I think hosting little "thank yous" every now and again is fun and shows a bit of my appreciation for you lovely ladies. So THANK YOU to everyone who continues to - or just started to - follow me in my little world of attempted fashionable-ness.

OK, OK, so for real now, without further ado, the winner of the aspasia necklace from tree & kimball and a $25 gift card to Anthro or J. Crew is ... out of 134 comments and 129 unique entries ... (drum roll ...)

Amy Kelinda from kelinda.KELINDA!

Amy was one of the first fashion bloggers I found way back when and her blog continues to be one of my fave to read. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you're missing out! She's got a wicked sense of humor and an eclectic sense of style, plus hearts Anthro and J. Crew as much as I do!

Amy, you've asked for the Anthro card, so I'll be shooting you over an e-mail with some details.

Thanks again to everyone who participated!