Roses and Thorns

Every week I have my students share their Roses and Thorns. Basically, they share something good and not so good with the class that happened during the week.  I tell them that if they share a thorn, they have to back it up with a rose. So let me practice what I preach...

1. Attended the funeral of a friend this weekend.
2. My car is starting to make bubbly stomach noises.
3. I almost lost my dog again today. I took him outside to let him do his business. I got distracted and went back into the house. I didn't notice he was missing for about 30 minutes.
4. Found out one of my students has cancer.
5. My feelings kinda got hurt this week...had an argument with someone I love. I hate when that happens...but what's the point of arguing with someone you don't love, right? RIGHT. Hopefully, that someone will get that I'm really an Angel on earth who wears pretty shoes and trips and falls and likes to skip (without falling, of course) down the yellow brick road of happiness rather than pick fights:) I digress...

*5 thorn limit*

1. My dog is too stuck up to become homeless so he chilled in my neighbor's yard until I remembered that he existed. (He was a stray when I got him so I think he rebels against the thought of ever really running away)
2. I'm alive.
3. God loves and God forgives...and so shall I...within reason of course.
4. I finally wore this thrifted Indian silk dress that I got for 2 bucks earlier this year.
5. I finally got to the gym once this week to release some frustration...and then ate a fried chicken sandwich right afterwards. (That's gotta count as a double

6. I might have some interesting/fun news to share soon:)
7. I joined a church this Sunday.
8. I have yet to trip or fall this week.
9. I really enjoy my new job but I'm pooped every single day.
10. I'll celebrate my 35th birthday next Tuesday:)

*No limit on roses*

What was your rose and thorn of the week?

(The pics suck...sorry)

Most of these pics are cropped because my fake smiles were too obvious or I just couldn't muster up the energy to adjust the camera lens.
Every piece of today's outfit came from a thrift store.
The dress actually had long sleeves but I hacked them off. The sleeves were too reminincent of a Gordon Gartrelle shirt.

If you have no idea who Gordon Gartrelle is...please refresh your memory with this little clip. Fast forward to the 5:30 mark if you are in a rush!