GFS Recap: Texas Style Coucil Conference (Day 2)

(Katy from Kansas Couture spoke on the TXSCC panel. She did an awesome job!)

Day 2 of the Texas Style Council Conference proved to be quite informative and fun. There were panel discussions for bloggers and plenty of time to make new friends.

Katy and Erin chatting.

My dear Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk...also an awesome panelist!

(F21 Tshirt, Urban Outfitters pants, Sam Edelman wedges, borrowed clutch from Juanette)

Chastity from Curvy Girl's Guide To Style and I took a break before all the classes began.

One of the highlights was a photography lesson by Kendi (Everyday) and her hubby Brian. I promise you they are hilarious together! And Brian is kind of a photography my opinion atleast:)

A practice shot during class.

I had a blast and met some hilarious and talented people. For example, One of my favorite conversations the whole weekend included a discussion about Quaker summer camp with Laurel from Trophy Boutique. Trust me, that conversation deserves its own post!