Mats4u dropped in

A while ago I emailed to ask if they would comment on the popularity of their product, the 'Please take off your shoes' doormat. Unfortunately, I never got a reply. Perhaps the sales person who dealt with email queries was not sure what to do with it. Never mind.

However, the marketing manager for was kind enough to comment on this blog. You can read his comment here. He informs me that they sell approximately one 'shoes off' doormat a month.

I don't think that tells us anything about how common shoes-off policies are in the UK, as most people who have one are not necessarily going to buy a shoes-off doormat. Some 'Offalists' might think them more officious than a verbal request and others may have their friends so well-trained that they don't need one.

I think it would be nice if more people would buy one. I would suggest that if you have a shoes-off policy you might like to consider it. I know it is not cheap, but it is a very good quality doormat. If enough of you order it, perhaps they can make it a stock item. Think about it.

Please Take Off Your Shoes Doormat