I Need To Be

I was complaining this morning - heck, all week - about a business trip I need to leave on today. I am a little tired of traveling so much for work. I don't want to go to Dubai. I hate flying coach. I don't know what to pack. I can't believe all I can find is a middle seat on the plane. There goes another weekend lost to work. Whine, whine, whine.

Then I remembered Fashion Therapist's awesome post about giving up complaining for Lent. And read Eleanor's post this morning about her style icon mom (key word: mom). And got tagged this morning by the lovely Dea and beautiful Ady who wrote that my blog makes them a happy (eternally flattered).

At the risk of sounding sappy (and creating a run-on sentence), this little bloggy community full of all sorts of different people who, through their unique stories and shared interests, can sometimes really help remind a gal (i.e., me) that there are more things to life than just whining about it.

I NEED TO BE more grateful about the things I have and the opportunities that I am given.
(I won't wax poetic about this topic because we all know what I'm typing about).

So with a smile on my face that I really mean, I get to leave on a jet plane this afternoon for Dubai and will get to spend a few days in the "city of gold" visiting exotic locales, eating yummy food and hopefully getting in some shopping between the work part.

Here's my ready-for-a-long-flight OOTD:

Jacket: J. Crew herringbone professor
Shirt: Lands' End Canvas gingham poplin
Jeans: J. Crew bootcut
Shoes: Madden Girl wool flats
Necklace: Etsy by MDsparks