Sunshine Day

Ladies. I must apologize for my inadvertent absences lately. The posts have been sporadic and for that I feel terrible. Monday night I had a migraine that knocked. me. on. my. ass. So much so that I didn't go in to work on Tuesday. Despite the Aleve it just kept lingering. Haven't had a headache like that in ages and hope it's that long until I have one again.

Okay so enough of that. Let's move on to sunnier things. Like these.

Restricted - Wildcard

Brighten up your look, brighten up your day, heck brighten up your life with this sunny platform pump by Restricted. I must admit I am on the fence with the cork platform and heel. I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I do love the classic shape and cheery somewhat mustard yellow hue. And for just over $60 they are a fantastic price too!