GFS Series: She's A Friend in My Head

Do you know someone that just gets it right every time? You see them and literally want to skin them alive because you want every single piece of clothing they are wearing? (Maybe that's just me)

Blair from Atlantic-Pacific is that chick. Her style is inspiring to say the least. You know what I love about her? It's that she doesn't look like  she is trying too hard. It all looks natural. Enjoy the latest in the GFS series "She's A Friend In My Head." She is worth it. And her style is to be worshipped. Period. The End. Amen.

If you are new to GFS...please know that I am nosey a person. I want to know the things you REALLY want to know. You've been warned:)

P.S...note her use of accessories...It is NOT a game.

1. How would your friends describe your style?

I would say my outfits vary on my mood, but I always try to have a touch of femininity and sophistication in every look!

2. Your friend wants to borrow your favorite dress. But you KNOW she can't fit it. She's bigger than you? What do you do?

I let her borrow it. A dress is far easier to replace than a friendship. Plus I have ruined plenty of my best friend’s belongings and so they deserve to ruin a few of mine!

3. You have a coworker who appreciates your style but their personal fashion choices are unfortunate. They keep announcing when they’ve just bought something new because they want you to acknowledge their efforts…what do you do? Do you give them an empty compliment? Ignore them? Or finally scream “I hate your clothes the most!”

I think fashion is all about expressing yourself and taking a risk- so I appreciate anyone who embraces fashion and expresses their point of view, even if it is not my favorite. I am sure there are plenty of people who don’t appreciate my style- and to be honest I would rather not hear about it, so I would pay that same respect anyone else.

4. Share a style secret that never fails you.

Be yourself. I, like many others, can get caught up in a trend or look that is totally not me. That is when I fail. In order to have a true and unique sense of style you have to stick to what makes your style yours, and try not to dabble in every new trend. My other secret would be accessorize every look .

5. What style trend do you wish would go away forever? (For me, it would be distressed leggings complete with strategic holes up the thighs)

I personally never got into clogs. I would say while it looks really adorable on many bloggers, I would not be sad to never see them again!

6. Your bf/hubby calls you and says you have ten minutes to get dressed for a surprise date. All he says is to wear heels. What do you wear?

Something girly! I would most likely put on a DVF or Tibi dress with some heels that pop and a chunky necklace. I love prints and I have a number of printed, mod shaped dresses I love. They are easy to throw on, flattering and perfect for a date.

7. You see an attractive man in the car next to you in a store parking lot. He gets out of the car and notices that he is wearing black socks with SANDALS. Do you snicker to yourself or laugh out loud?

Well my dad rocks that look all the time, so I would have to say that I wouldn’t laugh out loud, but it would for sure put a smile on my face. Men can be so lost sometimes…I love this question!

8. What style/fashion item would you never leave home without wearing? (I put on my earrings before I even get out of bed)

I always wear a watch- which pulls double duty. It is both fashionable as well as useful. I have a lot of meetings during the day and feel completely naked if I don’t wear one! I also have a couple staple pieces of jewelry I throw on, but I do tend to rotate these.

9. Have you always been "style confident?" Do you even consider yourself "style confident?"

I have always had ‘my own sense of style’and I have always tended to take fashion risks…which has resulted in the good, the bad and the ugly. I have made a lot of mistakes along the way, but that is partially what is about. If I didn’t take risks to see what worked and what didn’t I would not be on the path I am on now to find my own sense of style!

10. There is a fire. You have two minutes to grab three favorite items out of your closet. What do you grab?

My black Chanel bag, My YSL bag and my Zara Leopard Jacket. What can I say? I love my purses!

Bonus question: This should prove that I worship your blog. How do you achieve that perfect looking bun as a hairstyle? My friend and I have stared at the pics and we are convinced that you comb the hair forward instead of backward. Are we right?

You are too funny! I put my hair into a very tight pony tail, tease the pony tail and then fold it backwards and pin it. It essentially is not actually a true bun. I have thought about putting together a you tube video, but to be honest I am extremely technology challenged and would not have the slightest idea of where to even begin!

It's working for your Blair! Thank you so much. I'm not sure how you have mastered the art of rocking pearls and looking chic. I look like Harriet Tubman when I do it. Not that Harriet Tubman wore pearls ...or even owned any...awww forget it! You do it well!

Visit Blair and tell her GFS sent you!