Tumblr Roundup April1, 2011

Here's what I posted to my Tumblr this week...

Finally warming up!! Stella McCartney wedges ♥

These Louboutin Maggie's are one of the most uncomfortable pair shoes I own... but dang they look good!

It rained at the end of last week so I put on my DSquared2 "rain boots" ;)

 My new Prada runway wedges! They ended up being lower than the original runway shoes, but they're still adorable.

Addicted to Glitter? 

 Gaga wearing the boots that the JC Lita boots were "inspired" by. LOVE ♥

Shoe INSANITY! I mean.... what?? 

 I took this photo of my Fendi slingbacks... what beautiful lines!

 The same Fendi shoes

I snuck a shot of our new bebe glitter wedges I designed!!! Do you love them as much as I do!?!?!

 And finally... a sick April Fools joke from Prada?? I hope so! Who would pay $1500 for these monsters? WHO??