Hope in a Jar

I'm a bit over a week into my new morning beauty routine and though I can't say that I see an incredible overall difference, I do have an awful lot of bottles cluttering my counter now. A few of you asked last week, so here's the mish mash I've been using recently: pore redefining scrub, clinical dark spot corrector, brightening eye treatment, moisturizer with SPF, multi-tasking minerals for eyes in well rested, sheer matifying compact, and some blush, gloss and mascara, if I'm feeling particularly peckish.

Pretty much all this to look like I don't really have any makeup on. I have to admit though, that I think the eye brightener and concealer powder are working for me, when I can apply the concealer correctly! I guess these are the types of products I need to consider using more frequently as I find myself not getting younger day-by-day. So between that nagging thought and copious amounts of Real Housewives on Bravo this past weekend, I can't help but to wonder - if it is this hard to try to look "youthful, put-together and like I'm not trying" right now, how am I going to handle it five, ten, twenty years down the road?


I've never been a beauty queen but I've always been afraid of getting old and all the things (yes, yes, mostly superficial appearance-related - I am that shallow sometimes) that go with it - like grey hair, wrinkles, sagging, paunching, jowling. And I'm not doing all, or much of anything, of what I can to keep myself from aging - but the eating healthier and having a better skincare routine should help. But what about when that is no longer enough?

Am I going to dye my hair to keep away the greys? Yes, I full plan on being one of those 70yo women with a head full of black hair. Am I going to have purchase increasing-expensive creams, serums, ointments to keep the facial sag away? As long as my income continues to go in the same direction as those products costs, yes to that too. Will I supplement my days away with handfuls of colorful little pills, mixers, elixirs? Literal *gag* but I'll probably have one of those massive dated pill boxes on my counter once I take the time to figure out what everything does - mm, mm, vitamin cocktails. Do I have to reassess my closet and toss out the remnants of Forever 21? Say it'll never be so ... even though it probably already is. Will I consider even going under the knife to help myself in a way that Mother Nature can't? I don't know about this one ... but it is probably too soon to say "no way" at this point.

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I'm not going to ask you gals how you feel about getting older because I think it is apparent that none of us are thrilled over the aspect of our fine lines developing into deep crevices. However, have you thought yet, even briefly, about where or not you would do anything to "battle" it?

Would you be like my mom and choose to age naturally and gracefully, and take all the salt-and-pepper hair and crow's feet with a shrug? Or would you be like my big sis, who still looks like she's in her twenties with her perfectly made-up features and trendy (but still working mom appropriate) ensembles? Or shoot, do you think you'll go full-bore Real Housewives style and get the fancy docs to help you kick Time's butt?

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Jacket: Anthropologie Coquille cobbled lanes (I literally just wore this - but having no time will do that to a gal, worn here before - similar in grey here)
Top: Anthropologie Edme & Esyllte rose is a rose (worn here before - similar here or here)
Skirt: Ruche bold as love (similar here or as dress here, here)
Shoes: Sofft vivian (worn here before - similar here or here)