Penny for your thoughts...

Hmmm, I'm a little bit melancholy today. Well not really glum exactly, just not so up-beat. Under par. Not full of inspiration, not really moved to tell you very much. I have been for a run; that did indeed help...there really is nothing like running endorphins, I have to tell you. Especially when listening to 'Hey Ya' by Outkast and shaking it like a polaroid picture... ;-)

So instead I present the blogging equivalent of a cop-out which is a couple of pretty pictures...

I drive past a house every's not in the prettiest area, it's right by a busy, busy road, but it is covered in the most beautiful swathes of pink roses. Every day I look and smile; the point being the beauty comes in unexpected places.

I am off to see my friend P for kitchen table pep talks. All the best chats are at battered kitchen tables with mugs of tea and her best homemade cake. P is a bastion of sensible thought.

via are so happy
Must stay away from all shops, retail of any sort...the coffers are empty...must not look at any more dresses, under any circumstances...most especially ones that I do not need.

Stephanie Seymour by Gilles Bensimon