Things of beauty...

What to say about this week? I am, I must admit, LOVING my days off work when the children are at school. There is something utterly precious about dropping them off knowing that I have a few hours to go til I collect them. I swear it makes me a better Mummy to have those hours...I fiercely guard what I do with that time, so I am ready to collect them with a 'wholesome' snack and smiles and kisses and 'what did you learn today?' chats. It's bittersweet though as I the school holidays are lovely too - lie-ins and chilled out summer days.

I have had some lovely, humbling and thought-provoking comments this week, thank you. I now know I can rely on you to set me straight, walk me through, hold my virtual's a lucky thing for sure.

Must find a way to feature yellow in my house...

This is Uma Thurman; all 6' of her...I love the sprawl of city behind her and the summer decadence of bikinis and cocktails...

'Mother and Child' sketch by Pablo Picasso...

Doesn't this cake just look soooo good? It has such a village fete feel about it. There was a coconut shire at my children's school summer fair last weekend - we won two coconuts (my husband has a good bowling arm)...

South Sea pearl ring by Astley Clarke. My Mum used to have a ring like this...just one pearl sitting proud. Made me think of her to see this. Classically beautiful...

January Jones from 'Mad Men'. I must catch up on my viewing...the period styling is just to die for - retro heaven.

 For all the dog lovers - Tania, that means you - how cute is this pup? Boo is desperate for a puppy; I am staunchly resisting. We have a (crazy) cat, I don't want another thing to have to provide care for. We can barely keep tomatoes alive in the greenhouse...

Is it just me who has a slight crush on this chap? Bradley in a bath...

A wonderful fluttery wedding dress, ready for the main event...I always like to see dresses hung up like this; makes me smile.

via 100 Layer Cake
A good friend of mine has lost her computer access this week (pesky gremlins!) so this is for the absence of Friday Fabulousness!

via The Bottom of the Ironing Basket
Yellow roses...gorgeous.

via it's mary ruffle

Eames enduring love...

Here's to casual but groomed ;-) weekend dressing...