Remarkable things...

Remarkable things about this week...

I went to the memorial of the colleague of mine who died recently. This explains my very pensive mood this week. It seems you never really know the people you work with...I met his lovely, admirably stoical wife, who was a rock of strength that day. It turns out they had this wonderful love story in their past. She was American, he English; they met in a bar in New York, just by chance one day. They never had kids but filled their life together with other wonders like travel and mutual interests and hobbies. So very sweet and so very tragic.

I took the kids to the beach hut after school yesterday and had the most gorgeous time. Even their Daddy made it back from meetings in London to join us and they swam whilst my Mum and I sipped our earl grey tea. So utterly civilised to have tea on the beach!

My son has decided that being polite gets him a cute vote from anyone he comes into contact with. So he has started saying 'Please may I...?' before every request and more pleases and thank yous than I have ever heard from one child. Imagine blonde curls and please may I. It works every time.

We have pale ticking curtains in our bedroom so every morning the sun streams in and wakes us at 5am. Lovely...really...but I feel like I am robbed of sleep every morning. Meanwhile the Boos, who have black-out blinds, can be wakened...