Birthday? Moi?

Continuing the quest for all things birthday I decided to take a gander around yesterday. I often forget about this website and I'm not sure why. To me, is like a cooler, hipper older sister that always seems to have those items that are just beyond my sartorial reach. Do you suppose it is possible to attain a chic status while still maintaining my feminine aesthetic? Now when I say feminine I am referring to my affinity towards florals and bows, nipped in waists, and bright jewels. However when you take a look at it is teeming with well cut neutrals, hip prints, and bold metallic baubles. While I believe it is incredibly important to stay true to myself, I find that I am itching to reach beyond my comfort zone and shake things up. Here is what I'm eyeballing to help me do just that.

Report Signature - Vandalia

I love how this bootie manages to be both hip and chic while still emitting a slightly feminine vibe via the peeptoe and high collar. The metal grommets toughen up the look and keep these right on trend.

This gal still has a few short days until my big day and you better believe I will be continuing my birthday quest. Until tomorrow...